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Letters To The Editor

How did America First Conservatives become ‘Enemies of the State?’

To the editor: I worked 42 years for the Department of Defense and held a top secret clearance supporting military operations and contingency planning worldwide. But now, I find myself being called an enemy of the state, a threat to democracy, a fascist and an insurrectionist because I am ...

Guest Commentary | Wellness practices can reduce PTSD symptoms

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing a traumatic event. Symptoms include intrusive memories, flashbacks, avoidance of triggers, difficulty sleeping, and hypervigilance. PTSD often leads to emotional distress, anxiety, and ...

Jaycee Park trees

To the editor: In last week’s Breeze, one of Cape Coral’s councilmen was defending why the Australian pine trees needed to be cut down. He said they were an invasive species of trees. This may be true, but these trees were planted around 60 years ago and are around 60 feet tall. There must ...

Guest Commentary | A message from the city manager

Dear Residents of Cape Coral, It is with great enthusiasm and a deep sense of responsibility that I share my Fiscal Year 2025 proposed budget, and the details of Cape Coral’s financial roadmap for the coming year. Our city is poised for continued growth and prosperity, and this budget ...

Put it in writing

To the editor: I was overjoyed to read that nearly all of those running for Cape Coral City Council said they would rescind the stipend that the current council enacted to give themselves a raise. (July 12, 2024, Question of the Week.) How noble of these individuals! However, most of the ...

In Support of Amendment 4

To the editor: Tell the truth, Gov. DeSantis — if you can force yourself to do it. You lie about lots of things but your lying about Amendment 4 really gets under my skin. I was a practicing OB/GYN physician for 28 years. Several of my patients were memorable for many reasons. The young ...

Hateful rhetoric root cause of shooting

To the editor: Critics and the media are responding with horror, sending hopes and prayers and appeals for peace to Donald Trump after the attempted assassination. The Far Left and some media outlets facilitated this act with their rhetoric, political games, and law-fare. Calling Trump a ...

Triple-dip taxes for pickleball

To the editor: I sent the following to members of Cape Coral City Council and then read it into the record at Wednesday’s Council meeting: Council members, I am writing this letter with my concerns about the expenses associated with Lake Kennedy Racquet Center. I believe when this ...

Questions for the candidates

To the editor: I have a few questions that several residents have expressed an interest in for the Council Candidates. 1. How much time do you believe is required as a member of council and are you aware of other meetings in addition to the regular scheduled council meetings? 2. Where do you ...

Trees and veterans

To the editor: I was moved by Mr. Hayden’s dissertation as an arborist on Australian pines. He forgot the melaleuca paper tree from Australia and the Brazilian pepper tree. All these are still prevalent and dot the Cape Coral landscape. I said to the Mayor and council over a year ago to put ...