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Letters To The Editor

Cape Council ignores obvious option

To the editor: The City Council and mayor continue to muddy the waters over the stipend issue. They say they can’t agree on the language for a ballot referendum in November regarding their pay. However, there is nothing to prohibit them from repealing the stipend now which is the only ...

Heartbreaking day for Cape Coral

To the editor: The Yacht Club Ballroom stood in defiance of all the storms that battered her, they were unable to take her down. Our mayor and city council did. My heart stopped when I saw the picture on the front page of today’s Breeze. They should all be ashamed of themselves; they don’t ...

Guest Commentary | Social Security Disability delays affect millions in need

I traveled to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland to meet with the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Martin O’Malley, and his top deputies to discuss the impact the delays in Social Security Disability cases are having on clients and other area residents. Commissioner ...

Guest Commentary | Protecting your personal information

Every day, you do something to protect yourself. You lock your door at night. You look both ways before crossing the street or pulling out into traffic. But when you think of safety and security, do you think about ways to protect your personal or financial information? Keeping this kind of ...

Farmers are not water-quality bad guys

To the editor: There’s a troubling trend of painting farmers as the scapegoats for environmental issues surrounding Lake Okeechobee. Having grown up in Clewiston, I’ve witnessed firsthand how certain groups vilify our farming communities, jeopardizing not just our way of life but also the ...

Prioritize education, not politics

To the editor: When everything is political, society is in big trouble. We ought to be able to agree that some of our foundational institutions should not be governed by partisan politics, and public education should find itself at the top of that list. Look what happened when partisan ...

Get your permits; find good contractors

To the editor: Recent news stories have alleged permits were not pulled for work which has resulted in the possible rescinding of our FEMA deduction costing homeowners collectively millions of dollars. The homeowner must know what work needs to be permitted in the Cape and must obtain a ...

Women have a right to life

To the editor: To our menfolk — Imagine you’re sitting with your daughter, your sister, perhaps your wife, in an emergency room, and she’s bleeding. At first, its watery and light pink, but now, its red, and there’s more of it. The doctors and nurses avoid your eyes, her eyes, the ...

Guest Commentary | Everyone deserves a second chance

When I meet someone new, I don’t lead with the worst choices I have ever made, a mental health diagnosis or the ways my family has struggled. Like you, I try to make a good impression and build a relationship. But for millions of Americans, the hiring process removes the opportunity to have a ...