Crists’ Obama hug lingers in Senate primary
TALLAHASSEE (AP) – Republican Gov. Charlie Crist probably wasn’t worried that literally embracing President Barack Obama back in February and strongly supporting the $787 billion federal stimulus package would hurt his U.S. Senate campaign.
Sure, the hardcore party base wasn’t happy, but the appearance was an opportunity to win over Democrats, independents and moderate Republicans who voted for Obama. The president’s approval ratings were high, and any Republican thinking about running for an open seat in 2010 stopped thinking about it when Crist signaled interest.
All except former House Speaker Marco Rubio. Political insiders said it wasn’t logical to challenge an incumbent governor who had high approval ratings and could raise gobs of money. However, Rubio said it didn’t make sense for the highest-profile Republican in Florida to embrace a Democratic president and a plan that would raise the federal deficit.
Now Rubio is gaining momentum as he reminds Republican voters of Crist’s hug. And the same political insiders who downplayed Rubio are starting to think the unthinkable: Crist’s campaign might be threatened by another Republican.
“I just knew that if we were true to ourselves and what we stand for, and we went out and told enough people about it, that we would begin to make progress and that’s what’s happening,” Rubio said.
Rubio has swept 12 straw polls held by county Republican committees by enormous percentages. He nearly tripled his fundraising last quarter, topping the $1 million mark to provide a financial and psychological boost to his campaign. Conservative radio talk show hosts adore him, as well as party activists. He’s been praised by conservative columnist George Will and endorsed by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Sens. James Inhofe, R-Okla., and Jim DeMint, R-S.C..
In two months, Crist’s lead over Rubio in a Quinnipiac University poll shrunk from 29 percentage points to 15 points. Although it still doesn’t mean Crist is in trouble.
Rubio’s rise is probably about to get more difficult as Crist pays more attention to him and to the race itself..
A large part of that opportunity is pointing out the Crist appearance with Obama.
“I was horrified,” Rubio said, adding that Crist canceled lunch at the governor’s mansion with former Gov. Jeb Bush and other former governors to be with Obama. “This was more than just a courtesy greeting, this was an embrace and a support of $800 billion of deficit spending.”
Crist says he has no regrets about appearing with Obama.