Religion Notes
Cape Coral
Cape Christian Fellowship
Pastor Dennis Gingerich begins the series “Branded” with the message “The Pursuit of Happiness.” This series will help to focus on the characteristics or “fruit” that God says we should be known for.
Cape Christian Fellowship is located at 2110 Chiquita Blvd., 1/3 mile north of Veteran’s Parkway. For more information, call 772-5683;
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living, located at 408 S.E. 24th Ave., presents the following programs:
— Drum Circle will begin meeting at the church on the first and third Fridays, at 7:30 p.m. Spoken and quiet meditation, 7:30 p.m. Drumming Meditation begins.
— Spiritual Cinema meets the last Friday of month at 7:30 p.m. This month will be as follows: “Elephant’s egg” (18 min.). A short film from Cinema Circle which borrows from Salvador Dali ‘S imagination to create a world of strange creatures and lands; “Planet Earth: (one hour). This brilliantly-filmed nature documentary reminds us of the magnificence and Oneness of all Creation.
DayBreak Fellowship
DayBreak Fellowship meets for a contemporary worship and music service at the Cape Coral High School auditorium on Santa Barbara Boulevard. Sunday worship, is at10:45 a.m. (Nursery and kids church provided during service). Sunday small groups meet at 9:30 a.m.
Randy Miller is senior pastor. Russ Winstead is pastor. Eric Liebl is youth director.
-Youth Group for middle school and high school students (6th grade through 12th grade) meets every Wednesday from 7-8:15 p.m. at the Freida B. Smith Special Populations Center, 400 Santa Barbara Blvd.
— Adult Bible Study will discuss “Jesus Triumphant,” a study of the Book of Revelation, with related points from Daniel and other books. Come and discover real-life truths from one of the most controversial books in the Bible. Study runs through Nov. 9. The group meets every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at Cape Coral High School, room 117. A children’s program is available during the adult Bible study for kids ages 2 through 5th grades.
— Jesus disciples, new Children’s Bible Study, meets every Wednesday from 6:30-730 p.m. (for nine weeks). The group is open to 3-year-olds through 5th graders.
For further information, call DayBreak Fellowship at 573-9009 or visit the church Web site at
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Cape Coral is beginning its fall women’s Bible study. The fall session runs through Nov. 18.
Women of the Word is a program that bring women in the Lee County area together to support one another in their faith. This season women from a variety of faith backgrounds meet weekly to study “Hosea.” We are continuing the study with the book from the New Testament in the spring.
While women who are mothers are involved in the study, their children have a special program for all ages. The study is done in small groups that become support groups as relationships are developed.
The group meets Tuesdays, from 9-11 a.m,. or 7-9 p.m., at Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 701 Mohawk Parkway. There is a complete nursery and children’s program including homeschoolers.
For more information, call 549-5556.
Kehilat Aish Chodesh
The local Ysharim congregation Kehilat Aish Chodesh is seeking volunteers for ministry support positions:
— Volunteer Ministries at Kehilat Aish Chodesh
— Ahavas Chesed: Burial Society will receive training in the proper burial procedures and methods for Jewish people.
— Bikur Cholim: Hospital Visitation Team – Sh’mar Team – Prayer Team: Pray for people at assembly when needed
— Limud & Luach – Adult Education
— Hallel: Praise & Worship: sing; dance; play music
— Yeladim – Children – Take kids one Shabbat a month
— Oneg Team: Meal
— Multimedia/PR/Publications:
— Torah for Christians and about faith.
— Counseling Team
Persons with qualifications for the above are asked to call Steven Berkowitz at 239-574-9257 or e-mail
St. Andrew Catholic Church
Father Anglim Academy is hosting its 4th Annual Fall Festival and Cow Pie Bingo at St. Andrew Catholic Church, 1509 S.E .27th Street, Saturday, Oct. 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The festival is open to the public.
All proceeds from this event will benefit the students of Father Anglim Academy, a Catholic school for children with special needs, by upgrading technology in the classrooms and providing tuition assistance. For more information contact Bonnie Ross 239-337-4010
Cow Pie Bingo tickets may be obtained in advance by contacting Bonnie Ross 239-357-1682. Tickets are available for a $5 donation. Come on October 11th at 2 p.m. to see if the cow makes a “deposit” on your plot of land.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church has returned to its regular worship schedule, with services at 8 and 10:45 a.m., and Adult Bible Study and Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.
The Rev. Charles J. Kanefke and Trinity invites residents and visitors to join the church for worship, praise and inspirational study of God’s word.
Trinity Lutheran is a small Christ-centered, family-oriented church. The school has openings for Pre- K3, free (VPK4). Full and part-time programs are also offered.
Trinity Lutheran Church & School is at 706 S.W 6th Ave. To reach Trinity, take Skyline to Southwest 12th Terrace to Southwest 6th Avenue or either Pine Island Road or Santa Barbara Boulevard. to Nicholas Parkway to Southwest 6th Street to Southeast 6th Avenue. For more information, call the church at 772-0172, or the school at 772-1549.
Turning Point Church of God
The Turning Point Ministries, which currently meets in the Cape Coral Youth Center, located at 315 S.W. 2nd Ave., would like to invite residents and visitors to its Sunday worship service, which begins at 10 a.m. Senior Pastor D & Belinda West will be ministering on the subject, “Making It Gods Way.”
The services are exciting and encouraging. For additional information, call 541-0322.
Fort Myers
Community Free Synagogue
The Community Free Synagogue is located at 8210 Cypress Lake Drive, in Fort Myers, on the grounds of the Greek Orthodox Church.
For information, contact Rabbi Bruce Diamond, visit or call 239-274-7485. Communications: The Web site: www:/
The Shabbat Dinner will be held Friday at 6:30 p.m., services at 8 p.m.
Torah Study is held Saturday at 10 a.m.
There are no dues, reservations or charges required
This year synagogue will celebrate the High Holidays at its home in the Community Hall at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Congregation, 8210 Cypress Lake Drive, in Fort Myers.
St. Michael Lutheran Church and School
The Rev. Jon Zehnder welcomes all to worship three days a week. Join the church on Wednesday for 5:30 p.m. dinner ($5), and 6:15 p.m. (informal worship) plus 7 p.m. various illuminating Bible studies.
Saturday offers informal worship at 5:30 p.m. Sunday morning worships include 8 a.m. (traditional), 9:15 a.m. (Spanish) and 10:45 a.m. (blended worship). Sunday Bible study with Rev. Zehnder is at 9:30 a.m. Call 239-939-4711 or fax 239-1839; Web site: for more information on current programs.