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Upcoming and ongoing Alzheimer Association programs

By Staff | Jun 26, 2023

Living with Alzheimer’s for Caregivers – Late Stage, Part-2, starting July 20, from 1-2 p.m.

In the late stage of Alzheimer’s disease, caregiving typically involves new ways of connecting and interacting with the person with the disease. In this second session of a 2-part series, you’ll hear from caregivers and professionals about resources, monitoring care and providing meaningful connection for the person with late-stage Alzheimer’s and their families.

To register online, use ZOOM link https://alz-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsdO6orz8qHdyGEvd2DAXN6vzcJZ-n4StM or call the Alzheimer Association’s 24X7 Helpline at 800-272-3900.

The Alzheimer’s Association virtual Support Group entitled “Alzheimer Association’s Caregiver Support Group Virtual” meets July 4, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. To join the meeting via ZOOM use: https://alz-org.zoom.us/j/98328027568?pwd=MmNrMThacFdTbDdkR2hvR29YM3hUdz09, or, to join the meeting by phone use Phone number 833.548.0276, meeting ID 983 2802 7568 and passcode 759562.

The Alzheimer Association’s Caregiver Support Group meets virtually the fourth Thursday of every month from 6-7 p.m. until Sept. 28, 2024

Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.

To register, please call the Alzheimer Association’s 24X7 HelpDesk at 800-272-3900. To join the meeting online, use link https://alz-org.zoom.us/j/99816154414?pwd=bTc3T1FLdUF1WWhibmlRbDkzblNKZz09,

Alzheimer Association’s Younger Onset Dementia Support Group meets virtually the second Tuesday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. through Sept. 10.

Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.

To register, please call the Alzheimer Association’s 24X7 HelpDesk at 800-272-3900

Join the meeting SEFL ZOOM: https://alz-org.zoom.us/j/94569457407?pwd=VEhSbmRwb296SkxOVkJwMWNlc1E0Zz09. Join by phone: +1-305-224-1968, meeting ID 945 6945 7407 and passcode 092563