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LCEC: Things learned and tips for next time

By Staff | May 31, 2023

LCEC line workers work on Southeast 15th Place behind the Master Crab restaurant in October 2022. FILE/VALARIE HARRING

Seven things we learned after Hurricane Ian


1. The strength of our community is its people. LCEC employees, family, business partners, and government helped restore.

2. Storm surge is real. Restoration trucks and equipment need high ground before the storm hits.

3. There aren’t enough hotels for approximately 3,000 restoration workers. Base camps are needed, and property to set them up is golden!

4. When a major storm hits during a supply chain crisis, the generosity and relationships of other utilities is critical.

5. The media and social media are extensions of the communications team to keep customers informed. (Thank you!)

6. Utility contractors, other cooperatives, and investor-owned utilities are all on one team when it comes to storm restoration.

7. Working 12-16 hour days for more than 30 days in a row to restore power after a historical hurricane is worth it in the long-run.

Tips for the next storm:


1. Prepare your family plan now.

2. Know your evacuation zone and decide if you will stay or go. Evacuate if ordered to do so.

3. Trim vegetation before storm season to avoid tree-caused outages. Hire a professional arborist for trees near power lines.

4. Plan in advance for those with special needs  (register for a special needs shelter in advance).

5. Have a backup power plan if reliant on power for medical needs.

6. Visit lcec.net Storm Center for tips and information before, during, and after a major weather event.

Source: LCEC