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Put it in writing

To the editor: I was overjoyed to read that nearly all of those running for Cape Coral City Council said they would rescind the stipend that the current council enacted to give themselves a raise. (July 12, 2024, Question of the Week.) How noble of these individuals! However, most of the ...

Guest Commentary | A message from the city manager

Dear Residents of Cape Coral, It is with great enthusiasm and a deep sense of responsibility that I share my Fiscal Year 2025 proposed budget, and the details of Cape Coral’s financial roadmap for the coming year. Our city is poised for continued growth and prosperity, and this budget ...

Editorial | Solutions overdue

If Americans are not grieving this week, we should be. An assassination attempt that failed by a fraction of an inch. A mass shooting in the making that does not meet the FBI definition only because three of the four victims survived and a Secret Service sniper took the shooter out in ...

Garden Club of Cape Coral | My indispensable garden tools

I’m sure you are familiar with the wisdom of the old saying “the right tool for the job.” Over the years, I have found that this is especially true in the garden, as I have purchased, and subsequently discarded, a number of hand tools! Based on more than 60 years of active gardening, ...

Cape Coral Animal Shelter | Looking for a loving home | July 12

Jingle (Buster) is a 3 to 5-year-old male. He absolutely adores people and thrives on making new friends wherever he goes. Whether it's a wag of his tail or a gentle nuzzle, he is always eager to spread some canine cheer. Now, here's the thing -- he may be a large breed dog, but don't let ...

Vote Kilraine

To the editor: I am Joe Kilraine’s wife. We have been married for 52 years. I know him to be one of the kindest, gentlest, warmest men you would ever hope to meet. But, when a problem, a concern enters into his life, he becomes a warrior. He will not be intimidated by anyone. Joe will listen ...

Trump is not a ‘convicted felon’

To the editor: President Trump is not yet considered a convicted felon and will not be until the judge enters a judgment of guilt. In New York, this judgment was expected to be entered on July 11, which was the same day as Trump’s sentencing. The sentencing was postponed until at least ...