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The Breeze leads the way

By Staff | Jun 7, 2024

To the editor:

If you care about local taxes, how the city of Cape Coral is developing, and how you should vote in the coming primary election Aug. 20, then The Breeze is your best source for information. As a former councilman (D-6) and a 34-year resident, I have come to value the reporting in The Breeze to keep me informed about what is happening in our city. It is especially important this election, since five seats (Districts 2,3,4,5, and 7) are up for vote. Five council members can stop and overturn what damage has been wrought on Cape Coral by this current mayor and self-serving council.

Angry about the “stipend” cash grab, passed quietly before Christmas, that doubled the mayor and council’s salary? You should be! Angry about the treatment of our fellow citizens who attend council meetings? You should be! Angry enough to take our city back from this tyrannical despot that holds the mayor’s gavel? You should be! It starts by educating yourself, family, and friends about who are the best candidates for Cape Coral’s future when voting in the Aug. 20 primary election.

The Cape Coral Breeze asks questions of every candidate each week and reports their responses in the paper and on-line. Please, take the time to research the candidates.

Every voter in our city gets to select every council person from every district. I believe that this gives our city a Cape Coral first approach, as opposed to fragmenting the city into warring districts.

The two main questions I would like to see asked are; Will you pledge to rescind the CRA stipend approved by Council on Dec. 13, 2023? The second and equally important, is a charter amendment to prevent another “cash grab” travesty like this from ever happening again! Will you pledge to bring forth a charter amendment prohibiting any increases for the mayor and council from any salary, stipend, or renumeration if not approved by the voters of Cape Coral? This would also give the voters approval over expense account balances and travel budgets. Believe me, they can be and were abused by former mayors and councils.

Until Council votes to bring back our Cape-TV candidates forum, The Breeze, and to a lesser extent, the News-Press are your best sources for unbiased first-person feedback from the candidates themselves. Please take the time to learn what you can about these people who want to represent you in Districts 2,3,4,5 and7. Choosing five people who love this city more than their short-term personal gain is crucial to Cape Coral’s future going forward.

God Bless America. God Bless Cape Coral. God Bless the voters who use this election to take OUR city back from the self-serving politicians. Vote on Aug 20 like Cape Coral’s future depends on you, it truly does!

Kevin McGrail

Cape Coral

former councilman D-6