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Cape residents top the city’s ‘organizational’ chart

By Staff | Jun 7, 2024

To the editor:

In my email today I received Cape Coral’s monthly newsletter. In the letter there is a link to a report called the Popular Annual Financial Report. This is a summary of the city’s 213-page budget. On page four of the report, it shows an organizational chart for the city. At the very top of the chart, it indicates that “The People” govern the city.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The People elected eight members to City Council based on how they said they would govern. Also known as campaign promises. Anyone who has followed current events in Cape Coral now know these promises are a lot of hot air.

Examples include putting a moratorium on new car washes and self-storage businesses. In other words what people can do with their private property.

Another example is the elimination of volunteer committees, especially the CRA where they then appointed themselves to serve and doubled their salaries for all the additional work they were taking on. Keep in mind that the new and improved CRA now meets every other month whereas the volunteers met monthly for free.

Jaycee Park is another example of the council not following the wishes of The People. Not even 7,000 signatures on a petition could sway them from ruining a park that the nearby residents/users love.

The lesson to be learned here is that this November be careful who you vote for. Do your best to determine if someone is spouting a lot of hot air or are they truthful and sincere when talking about how they would govern.

I suspect this would eliminate any incumbent from consideration.

George Starner

Cape Coral