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The dry side of growth

By Staff | May 17, 2024

To the editor:

We now hear and see the results of over building in Cape Coral. New residents in the northeast section of the city are running out of water. Who’s the blame? Is it the real estate industry? Is it the construction industry? Is it the greed of landowners with lots of property to sell? Or is it our City Council, which apparently does not have a clue on how to run a city?

Our new neighbors are dealing with a water issue that will get worse every day regardless of how deep they dig for water. Water, to my knowledge, can not be made. It’s a gift from Mother Earth. Apparently, when our earth was created, we has only water from the beginning of time that recycles itself.

Future planning must be used in preserving the water we have. We must slow down our water usage for the sake of the future. We can not allow buildings to be added to our dwindling water supply. The city leaders have more interest in building, more uncontrolled growth than what the city has to offer our new neighbors yet to come. Council, slow down the growth, let the city take a breath and work on its future.

Gary Bongers

Cape Coral