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Uncontrolled growth throughout the Cape

By Staff | Apr 4, 2024

To the editor:

I’m not opposed to growth and progress, but it should be within reason. Everywhere you look one can see massive new construction of multilevel apartment complexes, condo complexes, duplexes spread like flies, and the like. I suspect most will remain unoccupied for many years to come. How many more are in the planning phase which we’re not aware of yet? One wonders if any of our representatives are enriching his/her pockets. What became of our zoning laws — do we have any?

In addition, there are a lot of renovations; some are necessary due to Ian, but not all. Many are in enormous reconstruction, such as the Yacht Club, instead of just repairing it. Did anyone from The Breeze attend the meeting held on Tuesday, March 26, regarding Jaycee Park? I was anticipating a fair synopsis of what transpired, written up in the March 29 weekend edition of The Breeze. Isn’t the park an important landmark that has been serving the citizens well since its inception? A vast majority of us support keeping it as is.

In the letters to the editor, J. Caplin does a great job in highlighting what transpired and giving his opinion. It’s disappointing, the lack of exposure by the press, and the City Council not giving a hoot about the citizens’ desire.

Rich Karpinski

Cape Coral