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Flexibility for Jaycee Park

By Staff | Apr 4, 2024

To the editor:

Jaycee Park is a small, quiet stretch of land along the Caloosahatchee River in Cape Coral. Its quiet atmosphere, views of the water and shaded areas draw many people to come and enjoy this peaceful area. But the park is not large and when we have limited space it is important that we consider the needs of its various users. Jaycee Park is loved by so many people because it meets the needs of so many.

FLEXIBILITY is key to multi-use. When I go to this park, see many runners and walkers, I see dogs and their owners enjoying the shaded pathways. I see families celebrating with birthday picnics, a wedding or even holding a memorial service. Some people may be sitting on the bench they dedicated to a beloved family member or pet. I see people bringing their own lunches and cleaning up after themselves. The trees create a sense of privacy between the waterfront picnic tables.

I see individuals sitting by the water under the shade reading books. I see children playing on the playground or flying kites or playing games in the one large field space. Occasionally, I see that same area used to park cars of those who are attending a concert on a portable stage and buying munchies from one or two portable food trucks that come for a special event and LEAVE.

Many mornings I see dancers practicing routines, church groups gathered for religious studies and AA meetings in the pavilions. Without effort they share these beautiful surroundings with mutual respect for one another and nature. Annually, I see special events such as the Garden Club’s plant sale, the Boy Scout sleepover or the Easter Sunrise Service.

The introduction of new buildings in this park will prevent this flexibility. An amphitheater will greatly reduce the green space where people can play or occasionally park cars. Even though the concerts will only happen one night every couple of weeks or less an amphitheater will permanently destroy a much used and enjoyed open greenspace. Adding permanent food trucks and a bar will turn a simple, natural area into a commercial enterprise with a variety of unwanted smells, more trash, and less sense of personal responsibility.

Natalie Silver

Cape Coral