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On the wrong path

By Staff | Mar 21, 2024

To the editor:

Disturbing events by both the School Board and City Council have unfurled in Breeze articles.

The City Council has made it even easier to throw out law-abiding citizens who try to exercise their 3-minute citizens input time. The Council does not want to hear adverse opinions. The Council had a citizen arrested. The school board has a similar proposal on deck.

Mr. Andosica resigned when the School District put his library under “administrative lock up.”

The appeals court ruled against the state law that Mr. Andosica resigned over. The Governor has stated things have gone too far.

The School District had a teacher’s bulletin board covered up for one flag.

The district consistently has refused to have a school holiday for Veterans Day.

What is next? Administrative lock up of The Breeze, the First Amendment of our Constitution, book burning?

Are we on the road to fascism? What do you say?

Lou Navarra

Cape Coral