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Democracy rests on our vote

By Staff | Mar 7, 2024

To the editor:

Yes. Biden is old. Four years older than Trump. We have two old white men running for the top job in the U.S. government.

One with many years of on the job experience whose economy is the strongest in the world. The other guy with gold-gilded toilets is facing 91 felony counts who calls the U.S. a weak third-world country…. who raised our national debt by over $7 trillion in four years.

Different universes.

Listen to what they say and watch what they do. Mental fitness, moral fiber and facts still matter.

Do you pay off your credit card balance every month? If you do, good for you. Credit card giants hold more than 95% of American’s credit card debt. Exploitative late fees hurt more than 45 million Millennials and lower wage earners costing workers more than $25 billion a year. This week, the Biden administration announced that his administration will regulate large credit card businesses and cap those fees at $8 for issuers with more than a million accounts. The estimated $10 billion in savings can then be spent by consumers to buy goods and stimulate our economy. Another good example of the conflict between the interests of big business Republicans vs the interest of the workers and what Biden is doing about it.

During supply chain issues, corporations raised the cost of American goods but when those issues resolved they did not then reduce the charges to us. Instead they raked in absurd illegal profits and passed on those record profits to their shareholders. This week, Joe Biden announced developing a “strike force” to identify businesses practicing that corporate greed and his intent to protect us from them. The only thing protecting future generations from living in poverty is our democratic government “of the people, by the people and for the people” vs a government unwilling to regulate greedy businesses. Biden was a busy man this week.

It’s hard work to stay on top of these issues and be informed. Make sure you are registered to vote at Lee.Vote and then vote like our Democracy depends on it. Because it does.

Lynn A. Hagedorn. MD

Cape Coral