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Some questions concerning the planned pedestrian bridge

By Staff | Feb 29, 2024

To the editor:

Looks like another brilliant idea is going to bless Cape Coal, the new “Pedestrian Bridge.” I have a few questions for the planners of this bridge:

1) Why build a pedestrian bridge away from downtown shop and restaurants where those shops need customers?

2) Why would people park their cars at Braden Park, walk across the bridge and go to the welcome center?

3) Are there plans to add an elevator for wheelchair and other handicap-assisted equipment?

4) Who is paying for this bridge?

5) I am sure other people have thoughts and concerns about this bridge idea. I, for one as a handicapped person, would not use this bridge due to the planned location that is out of the way from downtown. I also feel there would be parking issues that would limit the amount of vehicles to park at the Braden Park site.

Sorry to say, but more planning needs to be thought out.

Gary Bongers

Cape Coral