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Jaycee Park serves the city well as is

By Staff | Sep 15, 2023

To the editor:

It looks like our city leaders want to destroy another established gem of our city, Jaycee Park. Leave the park alone! It has served the city well for the 34 years I have lived in “Paradise,” or should I call it “pair of dice.”

Do we need to cut down trees to make room for food trucks, more traffic, circling seagulls looking for food truck handouts and picking the garbage cans or Dumpsters for meals?

I’m surprised that the real estate crowd hasn’t demanded to build more apartments on the property (yet). Do we need more boat slips to ruin the view of the river? Hopefully the Corps of Engineers will not allow the city to foul up the river shoreline for those added boat slips.

Our only hope to save this gem is to elect people who have the courage to say no to the insane project.

Gary Bongers

Cape Coral