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Don’t forget what Memorial Day is about

By Staff | May 26, 2022

To the editor:

This up coming weekend, don’t forget what the holiday is about.

Memorial Day is, and always should be about remembering Members of the Armed Forces who have died in service to our country.

It’s not about patriotism, it’s not a about fireworks and celebrations and the beginning of summer; it’s a time of remembrance. It’s a time to pay tribute. And it’s a time to pause and reflect upon the reason behind our country’s greatness.

So as you spend your three day weekend — by the pool or the barbecue at your place of worship or the cemetery –just pause. Simply stop to think about those men and women, and what this day is truly all about. They grave their lives for our right to express our feelings, regardless of opinion, and made you and your family safe.

Lou Walker

Cape Coral