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Cape Coral City Council chooses Big Business over local residents

By Staff | May 26, 2022

To the editor:

Once again government leaders chose the interests of a developer over local citizens. This is a story as old as time. In order to get around the environmentally friendly and agricultural restrictions on land development in Matlacha and Pine Island, the developer willingly annexed his heretofore unincorporated Lee County property at Veteran’s Parkway and Pine Island Road to the city of Cape Coral. The city council members eagerly chose the money interests of a developer over the citizens of northwest Cape Coral, Matlacha, and Pine Island.

Southwest Florida is growing quickly and we need leaders with integrity to keep some areas of our county free of the “concrete jungle.” We need responsible leaders to protect areas of agriculture, nature, and “Old Florida” for all people to enjoy. Not only will developing this area with high rise apartments, hotel, and other buildings negatively affect the lives of those who live in northwest Cape Coral. Matlacha, and Pine Island, but it will also negatively impact the fragile mangroves and waterways in the area.

The Cape Coral City Council members chose to support the money-making plans of a business person over the interests of the majority of people who live in the area. I appeal to the members of the Cape Coral City Council to reconsider their decision and work to stop the encroachment of development so close to this unique area of “Old Florida,” and one of the last agricultural areas left in the county.

Ruth Stewart
