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Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

By Staff | Nov 4, 2021

To the editor:

The result of the Virginia Governor’s election finally gave a voice to the “silent majority.” Conservatives have quietly dealt with the unbelievable dictates of the Biden administration. The power the Democrats wielded on this nation for the past 10 months has been unconscionable as well as illegal. And to think that the leaders of this incredible power are an elderly president with questionable cognition and a vice president who is strangely absent when given a task.

The Virginia election is a clear mandate that conservatives will no longer go along with the “woke” mentality that has overtaken our country. The government is NOT in charge of our children or our lives.

Congratulations to Glenn Youngkin who ran a campaign of common sense and appealed to parents to take back autonomy of their children.

Congratulations as well to the lieutenant governor, Winsome Sears, whose win was a testimony to all Americans who are proud of this country.

One can only hope this mandate can continue into the next election in 2022.

Monika Krause Higgins

Cape Coral