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Who do Texans have to thank?

By Staff | Mar 4, 2021

To the editor:

Those rascal Democrats and their social engineering! Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar — they were all in on it! 2007 the Democrats passed federal legislation to upgrade our country’s power grid. Well, you guessed it – the Grand Old Party of Gas Oil and Petroleum proposed 75 amendments to weaken their legislative socialistic power grab to save human life by weatherizing the electrical power grids.

Each state was protected, thanks to the GOP, from having to do any sensible upgrade to their state power grid if the whole state opted out of the national plan.

Which state opted out?

You guessed it again! (Dang you’re smart.) Texas! The sad news is that in addition to frozen water pipes cutting off their water supply and 10 days without heat and electricity, at least 25 Texans died last month while their Senator, Cruz, was sucking down tequila sunrises on the beach in Cancun, Mexico.

Ellen Starbird

Cape Coral