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Vote Cammarota

By Staff | Jul 30, 2020

To the editor:

As a full-time resident/homeowner/taxpayer of Cape Coral, I, thoughtfully and sincerely, recommend, for your vote for city council, Mr. Chris Cammarota.

Over the many years that I have interacted with him, I have known Mr. Cammarota to be a consistent fiscally and ethically conservative community participant. He is not a go-along-to-get-along individual, especially when it comes down to the rights of the homeowner/taxpayer versus government. He has, in his words and actions, demonstrated a demand for openness as to all aspects of city administration and believes that a strong code of conduct should be enacted and enforced in the activities of all city officials and employees. He owes no obligation or indebtedness to anyone within the city administration. He is the perfect citizen-representative to sit on City Council.

A vote for your next Council member for the 3rd District should be Mr. Chris Cammarota.

Richard Kudla J.D.

Cape Coral