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Holidays of hope

By Staff | Apr 19, 2019

Ah, April, one of the most pleasant months in Southwest Florida.

The weather is wonderful, neither too hot nor chilly.

The beaches remain busy, but the lackadaisical waves and warm sunshine are tempting enough to entice even us locals out to set up a couple of chairs and an umbrella on the sand nontheless.

It’s not yet rainy season, it’s not “too buggy,” and the water in the pool out on the lanai is warming up enough for those of us who have come to think that air temps in the 70s is sweater weather.

But spring is more than a pleasant, all-too-brief transition into summer.

It is also a time of hope, a time of promise for many of us as it marks two holidays of great importance to Judeo-Christian theology.

Passover, the most significant of Jewish holidays. begins tonight as those of the faith celebrate Passover’s promise of freedom and the mark of slavery’s end.

Easter, the most holy of Christian holidays, is Sunday. The faithful worldwide will gather and celebrate its message of rebirth, and of a promise that resonates as clearly today as it did more than 2,000 years ago.

Chag pesach sameach.

Happy Easter.

May you and yours have a joyous holiday.

– Breeze editorial