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Council Candidates in District 3 | Question of the Week One | July 5

By Staff | Jul 5, 2024

Each week through the Primary, The Breeze will ask the candidates for Cape Coral City Council an issue-related question. In the interest of fairness, each candidate is limited to the same amount of words, about 100, for their response.

This week’s question: Why are you running? What are your top three issues?

District 3 candidates’ answers:

Chad Bruening


Why I am running.

• After being in construction for over 30 years, I feel business is the foundation of any community. It needs to grow and be allowed to flourish right here in Cape Coral to provide our existing and future citizens with ample opportunities.

My top three issues.

• More support is needed for new and existing business activities. With vibrant business comes more tax accumulation.

• A traffic control plan needs to be implemented now, not later.

• Affordable housing for our vital city employees and first-time buyer/low-income families.

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Derrick Donnell


Having served as a Cape Coral City Council member before, I had the opportunity to see firsthand how critical the decisions we made were to our community. The decisions that the City Council make impact our daily lives. The majority of my life has centered around public service. I am running for this position because I want to give people hope in knowing that there are still candidates, like me, that are only interested in being a model public servant.

1)    Restoring confidence and trust in the City Council

2)    Adopting Smart Growth Policies

3)    Maintaining a fiscally responsible budget

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Daniel J. Ludlow

Why I am running.

To give the people back the power

My top three issues.


Public involvement


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Deborah Lee McCormick


I am a 49-year resident of Cape Coral. I am a mother, grandmother and a former civil servant who has seen this city grow over several decades. I have worked hard all my life as a single mom. I know what it means to earn a paycheck, unlike the current City Council. I want to become the next city councilwoman from District 3 to be a voice for the residents.

1). I will motion to rescind the stipend and to change the city charter so that future councils cannot steal from the citizens again.

2). I will motion to reestablish Citizens Advisory Boards to restore council’s respect for the residents of Cape Coral.

3). I strongly support our first responders to uphold their oath to maintain the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Cape Coral. I will try to make our city a place my grandchildren and all future generations can be proud of and return to live and work after they finish their education.