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Fisher new chair of School Board

Langford-Fleming voted vice chair

By MEGHAN BRADBURY - | Nov 27, 2023

Sam Fisher, Lee County School Board member

Sam Fisher and Jada Langford-Fleming were approved as the new chair and vice chair, respectively, of the School District of Lee County School Board.

“I just want to thank this board for being so cooperative – being a newbie and the chair was quite the experience,” said former chair Armor Persons, adding that he wanted to thank the other board members for their knowledge and history, which helped him greatly. “Thank you, it has been a good year.”

Persons nominated Fisher as the chair, which passed with board members Debbie Jordan and Melisa Giovannelli opposing.

The vice chair went to Langford-Fleming after the initial nomination of Jordan did not move forward, as only Giovannelli and Jordan voted in favor of the selection.

At the end of the meeting, Fisher thanked the board and staff for their help during his first year on the board.

“I have really enjoyed it up here. A special thanks to Mr. Persons. You set a high bar. I appreciate that,” he said.

Superintendent Dr. Christopher Bernier also thanked Persons for his leadership, as well as the board.

“This board has acted professionally in the best interest of the children and kept the main job the main job. I am proud of this board for allowing this superintendent to continue to focus on the work. Congratulations to the new chair and vice chair,” he said.

The other members of the board are Chris Patricca and Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan.