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Eucharistic Conference to be held in Fort Myers

Visiting national speakers to present talks in English and Spanish

By Staff | Mar 5, 2024

The Catholic Diocese of Venice in Florida will hold a “Eucharistic Conference” in Fort Myers on Saturday, March 16. The event, to be held at Bishop Verot Catholic High School, 5598 Sunrise Drive in Fort Myers, will feature nationally known Catholic speakers presenting talks in both English and Spanish.

A Catholic Mass, celebrated by the Most Rev. Frank J. Dewane, Bishop of the Diocese of Venice, as well as opportunities for Confession and Adoration, will also be offered.

“We are nearing the conclusion of a three-year effort called for by the Bishops of the United States to reinvigorate reverence for the miracle of the real presence of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist,” said Bishop Dewane. “The response to this call to action from the faithful of the Diocese of Venice has been heartening, beginning with the overwhelming support of the Diocese’s first conference on the topic last year, and their enthusiastic participation in a variety of Eucharistic events at local Parishes. This is an important and historic time in the Diocese, and in the Church. An invitation is extended to all the faithful to attend the March Conference and be inspired.”

The event will feature talks centered on the Holy Eucharist by nationally known Catholic speakers Steven Ray, Crystalina Evert, Kathia Aranga, Rev. Elvis Gonzalez, and Tim Glemkowski. The opening keynote address, “Defending the Eucharist,” by Steven Ray, will be offered in English with live Spanish translation available by headphones. The remaining talks throughout the day will be offered as breakout sessions, in either English or Spanish.

The cost to attend the Eucharistic Conference is $30 and is offered free to clergy. Registration in advance is required, and the deadline to register is March 12. For more information and to register, visit dioceseofvenice.org.

About the Diocese of Venice in Florida

The Diocese of Venice in Florida was established by Pope Saint John Paul in 1984 and today includes 61 parishes, 15 schools and serves an estimated 250,000 Catholics in 10 counties. Presently, the Most Rev. Frank J. Dewane is the Bishop of the Diocese. For more information on the Diocese of Venice in Florida, visit dioceseofvenice.org.