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Alliance for the Arts opens dedicated phone line to collect stories of Ian survival

‘Storm Stories’ is part of therapeutic outreach that will be featured in a September oral history exhibit

By Staff | Dec 28, 2022

In response to the emotional impact of Hurricane Ian, the Alliance for the Arts has started an oral history project titled “Storm Stories.”

“When our staff returned to the Alliance, we all shared our experiences with each other, and I have seen that need echoed in our community,” said Executive Director Molly Deckart. “It is cathartic to share your account and the emotions involved.”

“Storm Stories” will have a dedicated, unmanned voicemail, 239-744-3047, as well as a way to submit written and recorded responses, allowing residents to share their unique experience and express their emotions. Anyone who experienced Hurricane Ian is invited to participate. Both mediums launched earlier this month.

“Just tell your story about your experience through and after Hurricane Ian in whatever capacity you feel fit — uncensored and unbridled,” Deckart explained. “It could be stories of resilience or trauma or pain or loss. It could be a wide range of feelings. It is meant to be cathartic and therapeutic and shareable — something that we can all relate to in some form or fashion.”

Artistic leeway will then be given to local artists to better share these stories with the community. This project will culminate in a multi-media, artistic expression exhibition September 2023.

While this project already covers all of Lee County, the Alliance for the Arts plans on expanding this project to the entire state of Florida. If you are interested in becoming a partner on this project, please contact Deckart.

The Alliance for the Arts is a nonprofit community arts and cultural center located in the heart of Fort Myers, Florida. For over 40 years, the Alliance has been charged with the mission to facilitate and nurture the creation, development, promotion and education of arts and culture in southwest Florida.

For additional information, please call 239-939-2787 or visit the Alliance website at www.ArtInLee.org.