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Cape Council to consider density changes for Pine Island Road District

By Staff | Dec 5, 2023

Cape Coral City Council will have a public hearing Wednesday regarding an ordinance that would amend the Pine Island Road District Future Land Use map.

If council adopts the ordinance, it would increase residential development by 3,585 units to “permit projects in process to be built” while removing the square footage restrictions against “non-residential usage” in the district. The ordinance also deletes all development caps on retail, office, warehousing square footage, as well as hotel rooms.

The meeting agenda also includes a resolution that approves the Local Housing Incentive Plan, which is required by the State of Florida Housing Initiatives Partnership Program Act.

According to the city, jurisdictions that receive SHIP funding are required by law to assemble an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. The committee is required to convene annually and complete a Housing Incentive Strategies report, which recommends affordable housing regulatory incentives to the local governing body.

The meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6, in City Council chambers, 1015 Cultural Park Blvd.

The Council will also hold a special meeting at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the chambers to discuss and make appointments to:

• Municipal Firefighters’ Pension Trust Fund Board of Trustees – 1 vacancy

• Affordable Housing Advisory Committee – 10 vacancies

• Audit Committee – 5 vacancies – I alternate, 4 regular

• Charter School Governing Board – 6 vacancies

• CDBG – 5 vacancies

• Planning & Zoning Commission – 9 vacancies, 2 alternates and 7 regular