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Hurricane debris from commercial property removed by state

By Staff | Dec 14, 2022

Commercial property owners must apply for hurricane debris removal with the Florida Department of Emergency Management.

Commercial businesses, strip malls, shopping malls, industrial parks, golf courses, commercial cemeteries, apartments, condominiums, and mobile home parks are considered commercial property concerning Hurricane Ian debris removal.

It is assumed and expected that these commercial enterprises retain insurance that can and will cover the cost of their debris removal. However, in some cases, as determined by FEMA, C&D debris from commercial property right of ways by the State debris contractor may be eligible for FEMA debris removal by applying with the state.

The city is removing vegetative debris located in commercial property right of way.

For assistance with the state application or general questions, visit FDEM’s Hurricane Ian Debris Cleanup website IanDebrisCleanup.com or call FDEM’s Hurricane Ian Debris Cleanup Hotline at 850-961-2002 or email IanDebrisCleanup@em.myflorida.com.