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Deadline Feb. 20 for Garden Club of Cape Coral Merit Scholarship Awards applications

By Staff | Feb 9, 2024

With awards of up to $2,000 to each winner, the 2024 application period for Merit Scholarship Awards, offered by the Garden Club of Cape Coral, is now open and available at gardenclubofcapecoral.com/meritaward.

Science teachers, environmental club sponsors, counselors, career specialists at high schools that enroll Cape Coral residents and some youth organizations also have information related to this opportunity. Completed applications must be emailed to meritaward@gardenclubofcapecoral.com no later than midnight, Tuesday, Feb. 20.

These annual awards were established in 2011 as a civic project for the purpose of assisting eligible graduating seniors to obtain college degrees. Applicants are required to be residents of Cape Coral and to have demonstrated active, ongoing participation related to environmental issues, horticulture, agriculture, natural resources and conservation through classes, extracurricular activities and work or volunteer experience. Career goals compatible with the purpose of the awards, fostering environmental action, can be a factor in award decisions, but current involvement has more weight.

Since 2011, 52 awards have been earned by students participating in environmental programs and projects at Bishop Verot, Cape Coral, Canterbury School, Florida SouthWestern Collegiate, Ida Baker, Island Coast, Mariner, North Fort Myers and Oasis Charter high schools. Other schools, which enroll students who reside in Cape Coral, are included on the application distribution list of school contacts.

Yearly success of the club’s annual major fundraiser March in the Park event, a juried plant and garden show and sale held at Jaycee Park since 2009, supports the GCCC Merit Scholarship Awards.

The Garden Club of Cape Coral meets at 5:45 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month from September through May at the Lake Kennedy Center, 400 Santa Barbara Blvd., Cape Coral. For more information, visit its website.