
Golf results

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Hunters Run Exec. Golf Club

Tuesday Men’s League

Two-Man Team, Best Ball – 11/3

1. (tie) Mike Bates-Louis Mobark, Harry Colter-George Hazzard, Matt O’Konsky-Neil Leitch 25.

Individual Low Net – Miker Pusateri 25.

Closest to Pin – #7, Gary Shott; #9, George Hazzard.

Men’s Golf Association

Individual Low Net – 11.5

A Flight – 1. Sam Presti 25; 2. Gary Shott 26.

B Flight – 1. Charles Schnuth 27; 2. David Zelt 28.

C Flight – 1. David Dague 26; 2. Mel Cole 29.

Closest to Pin – #2, George Hazzard; #7, Mike Bates; #9, Gary Shott.

Women’s Golf Association

Individual Low Putts – 11/5

1. Eula Jorgensen 13; 2. (tie) Joyce Leitch, Diane Wardrop, Lila Cole, Barbara Winkler, Marianne Barger, Marge Childress, Yvonne Hummer 16.

Closest to Pin – #7, Micki Smith; #9, Jane Shone.