Mixed crew
Special to the Breeze
The Cape Coral Rowing Club (CCRC) competed in three nationally recognized regattas, taking novice, intermediate and expert rowers against established clubs from Florida and the southeastern region. The first regatta (Oct. 12) at Miami Beach. The Masters Men’s 8+ and Mixed 8+ won bronze medals and Alis Jordan won gold in her single scull event. At the second event in Chattanooga, Tenn. (Nov. 1-2), the Men’s 8+ placed 6th. The Mixed 8+ crew placed 13th. The final event (Nov. 15) at Orlando saw Cape’s Women’s 8+ and Men’s 4+ both take first place. CCRC offers a Scholastic Program, which is open to all high school students, and a Masters/Adult program for 18 and older. The Mixed 8+ crew (above) includes, from left, John Bell, Dan Wadsworth, Joe Guttieri, Jon Hart, Toby Tolp, Alis Jordan, Sonda Dawes, Laura Simion and coxswain Michelle. For more information call (239) 334-4186 or email: alisjordan@earthlink.net.