Golf Results
Hunters Run Exec. Golf Club
Tuesday Men’s League
Two-Man Team, Best Ball — 11/11
1. Robert Wardrop-Charles Schnuth 22; 2. Ed Rostick-Al Krysieniel 24; 3. Don Millard-John Travers 25.
Individual Low Net — Don Millard 25
Closest to Pin — #7, Don Millard; #9, Matt O’Konsky.
Men’s Golf Association
Individual Low Net — 11/13
A Flight — 1. Al Leone 28; 2. Neil Leitch 29; 3. Gary Shott 29.
B Flight — 1. Mel Cole 27; 2. Rick Tschappat 29; 3. Gene Mauro 29.
Closest to Pin — #2, Neil Leitch; #6, John Travers; #9, Rick Tschappat.
Women’s Golf Association
Individual Low Net — 11/14
1. (tie) Diane Wardrop, Harri Schulpius 27; 3. Gailanne Brinley 28; 4. Connie Nortz 30; 5. (tie) Marilou Trott, Nancy Osienski 31.
Closest to Pin — #2, Diane Wardrop; #7, Linda Borrett; #9, Betty MacDonald.