Tee-ball team a model squad
At all levels of sports, there are teams that prove the value of having a group of players who come together as one. At Koza-Saladino Park, it starts early.
For the first time this season, Cape Coral American Little League featured a tee-ball division for 4- and 5-year-olds. The games are played in two-hour windows and scores are not kept with the exception of the season-ending tournament.
“If we get in two innings, great, if we get in four great,” said Keith Lewis, who coaches the Dodgers. “It’s all about having fun and teaching them teamwork.”
Lewis’ Dodgers emerged as the champion of the four-team postseason tournament, but even more impressive was their ability to play together from mid-February until May, in many games with no scores.
There are 11 boys on the Dodgers. Each with varying levels of ability and experience — several players with no experience whatsoever before this year.
Included on the team are two boys with special needs. One has Down Syndrome and the other is hearing impaired. Their roles, though, are consistent with the other nine players: Hitting, fielding and running around.
Lewis, who has a son in the major division, but none on the Dodgers, said the players clicked early on.
“By the second or third week, they all came together,” he said. “Sometimes with older boys they pick on kids. This team played together. There was no arguing.”
At Saturday’s closing ceremonies for the Cape Coral American Little League tee-ball and instructional teams, the Dodgers were recognized along with all of the other teams for their participation, and accomplishments, throughout the season.
The champion Dodgers include: T.J. Barton, Moses Cooper, Jayden Criollo, Robert DeSilva, Christian Diggs, Matthew Janisco, Steven Jumalon, Jordan Lindsey, Carson McNeely, Derek Ortiz, Tristan Palmer, Nate Watson.
All-Stars coming: There were 400 to 500 people attending Saturday’s closing ceremonies at Koza-Saladino Park, Lewis said.
It included a cookout and trophy presentation and served as an appreciation day for parents, coaches and volunteers. There is a ceremony for the major teams at 7 p.m. June 16.
Similar ceremonies have taken place at other area little leagues, including Friday at Cape Coral National’s Jason Verdow Park.
The Little League season begins in February with the regular-season and tournaments running through May.
All-Star play began Monday night for the 9-year-old strong all-star baseball teams as well as for the Cape Coral Little League Softball 9-year-old team.
Over the next couple of weeks, leagues will select their 9-10 and 11-12 all-star teams and begin practicing.
Tournament report: The apparent start of the rainy season in Southwest Florida played havoc with the start of the Little League District 9 9-Year-Old All-Star tournaments Monday night.
The start of the 9-Year-Old baseball tournament at Jason Verdow Park was rained out — twice. Rain muddied the park’s fields so the game was moved to Rutenberg Park where it was rained out again in the first inning. Cape Coral National and Port Charlotte National will try again at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Verdow.
Hancock was to play South Fort Myers at Hancock Park, but rain forced postponement of that one to Tuesday night.
All of the games originally scheduled for Tuesday are shifted to Wednesday.
Rain forced the start of the 9-Year-Old best-of-three softball tournament between Cape Coral and Fort Myers to move from Burton Park to Fleishman Park, where it was postponed in the second inning to Tuesday at Fleishman.
The second game of the series would be Wednesday at Burton Park — barring another rain event Tuesday.