
Sports Calendar

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Youth Sports

Summer Youth Tennis Camp — Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club, 1300 Ceitus Parkway; open to boys & girls ages 6-17; Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-noon, beginning week of June 9 through week of Aug. 11; tennis instruction plus racquetball, wallyball, soccer & softball fun; discounts to sign up for multiple weeks & additional children in same family. Info: Fran Coryell, Jack Dunmead 573-3210.

Fort Myers Rockets Baseball — Inviting boys to join12-under & 14-under baseball teams; practices are Mondays at Stars Complex, Wednesdays and Saturdays at Jerry Brooks Park. Info: Yami 745-8869.

April 28-May 30

YMCA of Lee County Youth Basketball & Summer Cheerleading Registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. Myers; taking registration for youth basketball (ages 3-17) & summer cheerleading; programs begin June 16. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:

May 29; June 30-July 2; Aug. 13-15

Hawk Lacrosse Academy Summer Camps — Cape Coral High School, 2300 Santa Barbara Blvd. Session 1, May 27-29, 2:15-3:45 p.m., open to all girls enrolled in high school; Session 2, June 30-July 2, 10-11:45 a.m., open to all girls entering grades 9-12; Session 3, Aug. 13-15, 2:15-3:45 p.m., open to Cape High girls only; each camp cost is $30 per player. Info: Laurie Zinn (314) 703-4618; e-mail:

May 29-30

Island Coast Soccer Alliance 2008-09 Competitive Team Tryouts -Island Coast Soccer Alliance (a combined effort of Cape Coral Soccer Association (Cyclones) and Florida Premier Soccer) conducting open tryouts (free of charge) for competitive boys & girls teams U11 through U18; tryout May 29 for boys’ U11-U14, 6-7:30 p.m., and boys’ U15-U18, 7:30-9 p.m. at Cape Coral Sports Complex; tryout May 30 for gurls’ U11-U14, 6-7:30 p.m., and girls’ U15-U18, 7:30-9 p.m. at Kelly Road Soccer Complex; register for tryouts online or e-mail. Info: Peter Mellor, Director of Coaching; e-mail:; Web:

Thursday, May 29

North Fort Myers Knights Soccer Tryouts — Bayshore Soccer Complex, 17050 Williams Rd., North Fort Myers; competitive teams forming; open tryout for girls’ U10, U11, U14 & U18 teams 7 p.m. May 29. Info: e-mail:

Friday, May 30

YMCA of Lee County Youth Gymnastics, Youth/Teen Strength Training & Tumblin’ Tots Registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. Myers; taking registration (members & non-members) for June youth activity programs, four-week programs begin first week of each month. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:

YMCA of Lee County Karate & Tennis Registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. Myers; taking registration (members & non-members) for June programs, four-week programs begin first week of each month; karate at First Baptist Church, Ft. Myers, & First United Methodist Chursh, Cape Coral. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:

May 31-June 1

Norm Rosen Classic 3-v-3 Soccer Tournament — Accepting teams for boys & girls U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16 divisions; all players encouraged to participate regardless of club affiliation or skill level; team fee $120, proceeds benefit Cape Coral Soccer Association scholarship fund. Info: Matt Fisher (239) 415-6221; Web:


Club USA Youth Soccer Camps — Four camp sessions in Cape Coral; June 6-9, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., elite camp for competitive & rec. all-star players at Jim Jeffers Park, fee $150; June 16-20, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Club USA camp open to all players at Cape Coral High, fee $175; July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon, Club USA camp for ages 5-10 only at Jim Jeffers Park, fee $100; Aug. 4-8, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Club USA camp for all players at Cape Coral High, fee $175; online registration. Info: Also Nardiello 560-7341, Web:

June 9-12 & 16-19

Bishop Verot Baseball Camp — Bishop Verot High School, Fort Myers; session June 9-12 for ages 8-12, 9:30 a.m.-noon; session June 16-19 for ages 13-14, 8:30 a.m.-noon; cost $95 per player, per session; instruction from Vikings baseball coach Tom Losauro, his staff and select past and present Viking players, emphasis on fundamentals with specific drills; fielding, hitting, pitching & base running covered in detail; bring own bat, hat, glove, energy. Info: Tom Losauro 274-6756; e-mail:

June 10-12

Miracle Baseball Camp — Hammond Stadium; three-day camp for 6-8 year-olds, professional instruction from Miracle players and coaches. Info: 768-4210.

June 10-13; July 7-10

John Cedarburg’s Pro Select Summer Baseball Camp — Two sessions open to ages 6-12, each session runs 8:30 a.m.-noon; fee $125 per child in advance, $150 day of camp; Session 1 (June 10-13) at Sam Fleishman Park; Session 2 (July 7-10) at Rutenburg Park. Info: John Cedarburg 826-0039.

Friday, June 13

USTA Rookie Tennis Tournament — Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club, 1300 Ceitus Terrace; enter online or at Mid-Cape, draws close June 10; participants must be USTA members and meet guidelines for rankings to be eligible to play; consolation draw for first-round losers. Info: Fran Coryell, Jack Dunmead (239) 573-3210; Web:

June 13-15

National Kicking Service Summer Football Camps — Stetson University, DeLand; intense, comprehensive instruction from professional staff, individual video analysis; for all ages, youth (Pop Warner), junior high, high school, college & pro trainees; overnight tuition $400 (first year attendees), $380 (2nd year), $370 (3rd year), $360 (4th year), also $350 day camp rate, discount for registration before May 1; other camp sites include North Carolina, Atlanta & Chicago. Info: Gene Muriaty (800) 660-7176; Web:

Monday, June 16

Youth Basketball League — Veterans Recreation Facility (gym), Lehigh Acres; open to boys & girls ages 8-17, cost $25 per participant, register on-site; starts June 16, practices on Wednesdays & Saturdays; games start June 24. Info: (239) 369-1521.

June 16-20

Cape Coral Instructional Football Camp — Cape Coral Sports Complex; 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. each day; open to ages 8-17, fee $150 single, $250 two in family; former professional players Rick Upchurch, Max Lane, Mack Singleton, Ed Rideout, Stephen Caiazzo & college instructors, individual & small group instruction also available. Info: Camp director Stephen Caiazzo (239) 443-9366.

July 11-12

Cape Coral High Spring/Summer Basketball Camps — Cape Coral High School, 2300 Santa Barbara Blvd.; three sessions each camp, Friday 6-8 p.m., Saturday 10-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m.; shooting skills camp July 11-12; open to boys and girls ages 8-18; fee $55 per person. Info: Mark Rinehart 223-4296; e-mail:

July 14-17

Greg Coleman’s Junior Bulldogs Basketball Camp — Ida Baker High School, 3500 Agualinda Blvd.; 8:30-2:30 p.m. each day; open to boys and girls ages 10-14; fee $80 per camper, $20 lunch credit ($100 total); drills, competitions and games, instruction focuses on developing fundamental skills needed for middle school and high school levels; an awards ceremony on final day. E-mail:

General Info

Cape Coral Bass Club — Meeting first Tuesday each month, 7:30 p.m., Caloosahatchee Moose Lodge 2395 on Cape Coral Parkway; men, women, children who love to bass fish welcome; tournaments held locally and out of town. Info: Jim Lewis 945-7188; Web:

Cape Coral Sailing Club — Meeting fourth Wednesday each month, 7:30 p.m., Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy.; adults interested in boating (sail or power), cruising or armchair are welcome. Info: Ron Miniter 945-7761.

Sunday, June 1

Lee County Archers 900 Round Event — Nalle Grade County Park range, North Fort Myers; 9 a.m.; registering new participants, all skill levels welcome. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212.

June 5-8

19th Caloosa Catch & Release Fishing Tournament — Pink Shell Beach Resort & Spa, Fort Myers Beach; $30,000 in cash & prizes, fishing for snook, redfish, trout and daily mystery fish, trophies to top three teams and Caloosa captains, youth & women awards; entry fee $380 per person (4 max.) angler division, $1,690 per team (3 max.) guide division, extra non-angler guests $75; part of tournament series leading to Back Country Classic (July 25-26) in Naples, Summer Slam (Sept. 12-13) in Fort Myers Beach & Caloosa Grand Championship (Nov. 7-8) in Fort Myers Beach. Info: Ron Riley (239) 671-9347; Web.

Saturday, June 7

Ida Baker High Black & Blue Touchdown Crew Golf Scramble — Coral Oaks Golf Course; registration check-in 7:30 a.m., shotgun start 8:30 a.m.; entry fee $85 per person, $340 foursome (deadline May 30), sponsorships also available; proceeds benefit Baker High football team. Info: Justine Gonzalez 542-1002; e-mail:

Minnesota Twins Open Tryout — Hammond Stadium; registration begins 8 a.m. in front of stadium ticket office; open to anyone eligible to sign professional contract, but must be high school graduate not previously drafted & may not be under restriction of MLB’s college agreement; bring own gloves, shoes & lunch, bats & balls provided. Info: Gary Sharp 768-4210.

Saturday, June 21

Young Professionals Chamber of Commerce Charity Golf Tournament — Fort Myers Country Club, registration 11 a.m., shotgun start 12:30 p.m.; entry fee $75 per player, sponsorships available starting at $100; foursome scramble format, proceeds benefit Boys & Girls Club of Lee County. Info: Kim Schlachta (239) 898-5779; e-mail:

Saturday, June 28

YMCA of Lee County Men’s Basketball League Registration — Taking registrations through June 28 for summer men’s 5-on-5 basketball league (limit 12 teams), Monday nights starting week of July 7 at YMCA of Lee County, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:

Saturday, July 5

Lee County Sheriff’s Office Alpha District Golf Tournament — Magnolia Landing Golf Club, 3501 Avenida Del Vera Blvd., North Fort Myers; 8 a.m. foursome scramble format, long drive, closest to pin, straightest drive and putting contests; entry fee $65 per player ($70 after June 27), limit 30 teams; proceeds benefit Adopt-A-Family Christmas program of Lee County Sheriff’s Office. Info: Deputy Jarrod Cantrell (239) 477-1807.

Saturday, July 19

Red Bull Tampa Bay Flutag — City Park at Tampa Convention Center, Tampa; taking entries from brave souls to compete in human-powered flying contraptions of their own creation off a 22-foot ramp; 30 teams of up to five members each will compete; free & open to the public. Info: (310) 460-4532; Web:

July 25-26

Back Country Classic Catch & Release Fishing Tournament — Port of the Islands Resort & Marina, Naples; largest fishing tournament in Naples, second event in Caloosa Catch & Release Tournament Series; fishing for snook, redfish and a mystery fish, up to $15,000 in cash & prizes; visit web site for registration and other information; teams registering fish are invited to Caloosa Grand Championship in November with $45,000 in cash & prizes. Info: (239) 671-9347; Web:

Aug 22-24

Ladies, Let’s Go Fishing Seminar — The Hyatt, 1000 Boulevard of the Arts, Sarasota; women of all angling abilities invited to fine-rune fishing skills; registration fee $145 per person; welcome reception 6:30 Aug. 22 at The Hyatt, classroom seminar 7:30 a.m. Aug. 23, fishing trip Aug. 24 concluding with fillet class; additional seminars offered throughout the state. Info: (954) 475-9086; e-mail:; Web:

NOTE: Send information about your group’s upcoming events at least two weeks in advance to: Daily Breeze Sports Calendar, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral, FL 33904; or send e-mail to: