Sports Calendar
Youth Sports
Friday, March 28
YMCA of Lee County Youth Soccer & T-Ball registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. Myers; extending registration for spring youth soccer & T-ball leagues, practices start March 17, games start March 29. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:
March 31; April 30
YMCA of Lee County Preschool Activity & gymnastics Registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. Myers; taking registration for April & May programs, four-week programs begin first week of each month. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:
Monday, April 7
Lee County Parks & Recreation Aquatics Program Registration — Registration begins April 7 for limited amount of aquatic programs; visit online or Lee County Parks & Recreation, 3410 Palm Beach Blvd., to view program brochures; online registration receives 10 percent discount. Info: (239) 533-7440; Web:
Tuesday, April 15
Ten Star All-Star Basketball Camp — Applications now being evaluated through April 15 for summer invitation-only basketball camps, open to boys and girls ages 10-19; camp locations include Babson Park (Fla.) & Gainesville (Ga.); separate camp for boys & girls ages 6-18, all skill levels. Info: (704) 373-0873; Web:
April 15-May 17
North Fort Myers Knights Pop Warner Football & Cheerleading Registration — North Fort Myers Community Park; registering children ages 5 and up, fee $130 (discounts for multiple children in family), plus jersey package $30; birth certificate, proof of residency, photo and parent or guardian required; register 9 a.m. to noon on April 15, April 19 or May 17. Info: 995-7011; Web:
June 13-15
National Kicking Service Summer Football Camps — Stetson University, DeLand; intense, comprehensive instruction from professional staff, individual video analysis; for all ages, youth (Pop Warner), junior high, high school, college & pro trainees; overnight tuition $400 (first year atendees), $380 (2nd year), $370 (3rd year), $360 (4th year), also $350 day camp rate, discount for registration before May 1; other camp sites include North Carolina, Atlanta & Chicago. Info: Gene Muriaty (800) 660-7176; Web:
June 16-20
Cape Coral Instructional Football Camp — Ida Baker High School, 3500 Agualinda Blvd.; 4:30-6:30 p.m. each day; open to ages 8-17, fee $150 single, $250 two in family; former professional players Rick Upchurch, Max Lane, Mack Singleton, Ed Rideout, Stephen Caiazzo & college instructors, individual & small group instruction also available; mail registration form deadline June 1. Info: Camp director Stephen Caiazzo (239) 443-9366.
July 14-17
Greg Coleman’s Jr. Bulldogs Basketball Camp — Ida Baker High School, 3500 Agualinda Blvd.; 8:30-2:30 p.m. each day; open to boys and girls ages 10-14, fee $80 per camper/non-refundable $20 lunch credit – $100 total; through drills, competitions and games, the camp will focus on helping campers develop their fundamental basketball skills needed to be successful at the middle school and high school levels; an awards ceremony will be held on the last day of camp; participation certificates and t-shirts will be given to all campers. Info: Ida Baker boys basketball coach Greg Coleman
General Info
Cape Coral Bass Club — Meeting first Tuesday each month, 7:30 p.m., Caloosahatchee Moose Lodge 2395 on Cape Coral Parkway; men, women, children who love to bass fish welcome; tournaments held locally and out of town. Info: Jim Lewis 945-7188; Web:
Cape Coral Sailing Club — Meeting fourth Wednesday each month, 7:30 p.m., Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy.; adults interested in boating (sail or power), cruising or armchair are welcome. Info: Ron Miniter 945-7761.
Saturday, March 29
Cape Coral 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament — Cape Coral High School gym; multiple divisions, boys’ middle school (6-7-8 grades) 9 a.m., girls’ open division 11 a.m., boys’ high school division 1 p.m., men’s open division 4 p.m.; entry fee $45 per team (max 4-person team), deadline March 26; double elimination, team members must meet minimum division age requirement; three-point shooting contest. Info: Mark Rinehart (239) 574-6766; e-mail:
March 31; April 30
YMCA of Lee County Tennis & Karate Lessons Registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. MYers; taking registrations now for April and May tennis & karate four-week lessons beginning first week of each month. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:
Saturday, April 5
Backcountry Fishing Seminar — Roger Dean Chevrolet, 101 SW Pine Island Road, Cape Coral; 10 a.m.-noon; instruction on fishing backcountry waters of Southwest Florida by Capt. George Howell for anglers new to fishing, the area or experienced anglers looking to further knowledge, useful fishing from shore or boat. Info: Patrick Borich (239) 574-3326.
YMCA of Lee County Men’s 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament — Ida Baker High School gym, double elimination format, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; limited to first 12 teams; entry fee $100 per team, deadline March 28. Info: Jami Price (239) 540-9760; e-mail:
P.O.L.O. Club of Lee County’s Pins For A Purpose — Gator Lanes, 7050 Crystal Drive, Fort Myers; meet at 4:30 p.m., bowling promptly 5 p.m.; bowl 5-7 p.m. $10, proceeds go to Relay for Life/American Cancer Society; reserve bowling spot. E-mail:; Web:
Sunday, April 6
Lee County Archers 900 Round Event — Nalle Grade County Park range, North Fort Myers; 7 p.m.; registering new participants, all skill levels welcome. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212.
Friday, April 11
YMCA of Lee County Adult Softball Registrations — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Fort Myers; currently taking registrations for adult softball league through April 11 (played at Lee County Sports Complex), Monday and Wednesday co-ed or men’s leagues, Tuesday-Thursday men’s league. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; Web:; E-mail:
April 18-20
Women’s Outdoor Weekend of Adventure — Caloosahatchee Regional Park Campground, 19130 North River Road, Alva; $50 per person, includes Saturday meals, Sunday breakfast, instructions and entertainment; kayaking, camping, cooking, stargazing, archery & crafts; registration deadline April 1. Info: (239) 533-7440; Web:
Saturday, April 19
How to Find Fish Using Maps, Structure & Tides Seminar — Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy., Cape Coral; 9 a.m.-11 a.m.; Capt. George Howell shares how to find fish using maps, tidal flow and structure. Info: Mark Hunter (239) 574-0806
LCEC United Way Saltwater Fishing Tournament — Pine Island Sound and Charlotte Harbor; boats can fish & launch from anywhere but weigh-in deadline at D&D Matlacha Bait & Tackle is 3:30 p.m.; weighing one of each species snook, redfish, trout & snapper; late entries disqualified, opinion of judges is final; captain’s meeting 7 p.m. April 18 at D&D; entry, raffle and sponsorship proceeds benefit United Way. Info: Ed Pilkington (239) 656-2381, Dana Nicloy (239) 656-2122, Walter Wedermeyer (239) 770-0692.
Florida Keys’ Seven-Mile Bridge Run — Seven-Mile Bridge, Marathon; aplications to run now being accepted, limited to first 1,500 runners; application requests should include self-addressed, stamped legal size envelope mailed to Marathon Runners Club, P.O. Box 500110, Marathon, FL 33050, before Feb. 26. Info: (305) 743-8513.
Saturday, April 26
Mariner High School Athletic Booster Golf Tournament — Coral Oaks Golf Course, 8 a.m. shotgun start, foursome scramble format; entry fee $70 per person, $280 per foursome, includes refreshments & luncheon buffet, sponsorships available starting at $100; proceeds benefit all sports programs at Mariner High. Info: Vito Mennona (239) 772-2907, 772-3324.
June 5-8
19th Caloosa Catch & Release Fishing Tournament — Pink Shell Beach Resort & Spa, Fort Myers Beach; $30,000 in cash & prizes, fishing for snook, redfish, trout and daily mystery fish, trophies to top three teams and Caloosa captains, youth & women awards; entry fee $380 per person (4 max.) angler division, $1,690 per team (3 max.) guide division, extra non-angler guests $75; part of tournament series leading to Back Country Classic (July 25-26) in Naples, Summer Slam (Sept. 12-13) in Fort Myers Beach & Caloosa Grand Championship (Nov. 7-8) in Fort Myers Beach. Info: Ron Riley (239) 671-9347; Web.
NOTE: Send information about your group’s upcoming events at least two weeks in advance to: Daily Breeze Sports Calendar, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral, FL 33904; or send e-mail to: