
Sports Calendar

6 min read

Youth Sports

March 15-May 17

North Fort Myers Knights Pop Warner Football & Cheerleading Registration — North Fort Myers Community Park; registering children ages 5 and up, fee $130 (discounts for multiple children in family), plus jersey package $30; birth certificate, proof of residency, photo and parent or guardian required; register 9 a.m. to noon on March 15, April 15, April 19 or May 17. Info: 995-7011; Web:

March 21, 24

Tropical Twisters Gymnastics School’s Out Camp — Tropical Twisters Gymnastics; 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. each day, cost $25 for whole day. Web:

Friday, March 28

YMCA of Lee County Youth Soccer & T-Ball registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. Myers; extending registration for spring youth soccer & T-ball leagues, practices start March 17, games start March 29. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:

March 31; April 30

YMCA of Lee County Preschool Activity & gymnastics Registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. Myers; taking registration for April & May programs, four-week programs begin first week of each month. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:

Monday, April 7

Lee County Parks & Recreation Aquatics Program Registration — Registration begins April 7 for limited amount of aquatic programs; visit online or Lee County Parks & Recreation, 3410 Palm Beach Blvd., to view program brochures; online registration receives 10 percent discount. Info: (239) 533-7440; Web:

Tuesday, April 15

Ten Star All-Star Basketball Camp — Applications now being evaluated through April 15 for summer invitation-only basketball camps, open to boys and girls ages 10-19; camp locations include Babson Park (Fla.) & Gainesville (Ga.); separate camp for boys & girls ages 6-18, all skill levels. Info: (704) 373-0873; Web:

June 13-15

National Kicking Service Summer Football Camps — Stetson University, DeLand; intense, comprehensive instruction from professional staff, individual video analysis; for all ages, youth (Pop Warner), junior high, high school, college & pro trainees; overnight tuition $400 (first year atendees), $380 (2nd year), $370 (3rd year), $360 (4th year), also $350 day camp rate, discount for registration before May 1; other camp sites include North Carolina, Atlanta & Chicago. Info: Gene Muriaty (800) 660-7176; Web:

June 16-20

Cape Coral Instructional Football Camp — Ida Baker High School, 3500 Agualinda Blvd.; 4:30-6:30 p.m. each day; open to ages 8-17, fee $150 single, $250 two in family; former professional players Rick Upchurch, Max Lane, Mack Singleton, Ed Rideout, Stephen Caiazzo & college instructors, individual & small group instruction also available; mail registration form deadline June 1. Info: Camp director Stephen Caiazzo (239) 443-9366.

General Info

Cape Coral Bass Club — Meeting first Tuesday each month, 7:30 p.m., Caloosahatchee Moose Lodge 2395 on Cape Coral Parkway; men, women, children who love to bass fish welcome; tournaments held locally and out of town. Info: Jim Lewis 945-7188; Web:

Cape Coral Sailing Club — Meeting fourth Wednesday each month, 7:30 p.m., Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy.; adults interested in boating (sail or power), cruising or armchair are welcome. Info: Ron Miniter 945-7761.

Saturday, March 29

Cape Coral 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament — Cape Coral High School gym; multiple divisions, boys’ middle school (6-7-8 grades) 9 a.m., girls’ open division 11 a.m., boys’ high school division 1 p.m., men’s open division 4 p.m.; entry fee $45 per team (max 4-person team), deadline March 26; double elimination, team members must meet minimum division age requirement; three-point shooting contest. Info: Mark Rinehart (239) 574-6766; e-mail:

March 31; April 30

YMCA of Lee County Tennis & Karate Lessons Registration — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Ft. MYers; taking registrations now for April and May tennis & karate four-week lessons beginning first week of each month. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; e-mail:

Saturday, April 5

YMCA of Lee County Men’s 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament — Ida Baker High School gym, double elimination format, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; limited to first 12 teams; entry fee $100 per team, deadline March 28. Info: Jami Price (239) 540-9760; e-mail:

Sunday, April 6

Lee County Archers 900 Round Event — Nalle Grade County Park range, North Fort Myers; 7 p.m.; registering new participants, all skill levels welcome. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212.

Friday, April 11

YMCA of Lee County Adult Softball Registrations — YMCA, 1360 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Fort Myers; currently taking registrations for adult softball league through April 11 (played at Lee County Sports Complex), Monday and Wednesday co-ed or men’s leagues, Tuesday-Thursday men’s league. Info: Brian Dodd (239) 275-9622; Web:; E-mail:

April 18-20

Women’s Outdoor Weekend of Adventure — Caloosahatchee Regional Park Campground, 19130 North River Road, Alva; $50 per person, includes Saturday meals, Sunday breakfast, instructions and entertainment; kayaking, camping, cooking, stargazing, archery & crafts; registration deadline April 1. Info: (239) 533-7440; Web:

Saturday, April 19

LCEC United Way Saltwater Fishing Tournament — Pine Island Sound and Charlotte Harbor; boats can fish & launch from anywhere but weigh-in deadline at D&D Matlacha Bait & Tackle is 3:30 p.m.; weighing one of each species snook, redfish, trout & snapper; late entries disqualified, opinion of judges is final; captain’s meeting 7 p.m. April 18 at D&D; entry, raffle and sponsorship proceeds benefit United Way. Info: Ed Pilkington (239) 656-2381, Dana Nicloy (239) 656-2122, Walter Wedermeyer (239) 770-0692.

Florida Keys’ Seven-Mile Bridge Run — Seven-Mile Bridge, Marathon; aplications to run now being accepted, limited to first 1,500 runners; application requests should include self-addressed, stamped legal size envelope mailed to Marathon Runners Club, P.O. Box 500110, Marathon, FL 33050, before Feb. 26. Info: (305) 743-8513.

Saturday, April 26

Mariner High School Athletic Booster Golf Tournament — Coral Oaks Golf Course, 8 a.m. shotgun start, foursome scramble format; entry fee $70 per person, $280 per foursome, includes refreshments & luncheon buffet, sponsorships available starting at $100; proceeds benefit all sports programs at Mariner High. Info: Vito Mennona (239) 772-2907, 772-3324.

June 5-8

19th Caloosa Catch & Release Fishing Tournament — Pink Shell Beach Resort & Spa, Fort Myers Beach; $30,000 in cash & prizes, fishing for snook, redfish, trout and daily mystery fish, trophies to top three teams and Caloosa captains, youth & women awards; entry fee $380 per person (4 max.) angler division, $1,690 per team (3 max.) guide division, extra non-angler guests $75; part of tournament series leading to Back Country Classic (July 25-26) in Naples, Summer Slam (Sept. 12-13) in Fort Myers Beach & Caloosa Grand Championship (Nov. 7-8) in Fort Myers Beach. Info: Ron Riley (239) 671-9347; Web.

NOTE: Send information about your group’s upcoming events at least two weeks in advance to: Daily Breeze Sports Calendar, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral, FL 33904; or send e-mail to: