

County manager raise is insensitive and ill timed

To the editor: How often does something really set you off and you can’t get it out of your brain? For Women For a Better Lee, it is our county commissioners giving a 6% pay increase to the county manager. We understand an annual pay raise is in Mr. Desjarlais’ contract since he met ...

‘Tis the season: Lovely plants for gifting

The holidays are upon us and, if you find yourself at a loss when it comes to gift-giving, why not consider a living gift, one that the recipient can enjoy for years to come? There are a few holiday houseplant standards such as Norfolk Island Pine, Kalanchoe, Amaryllis and Paperwhite Narcissus, ...

A positive note as Cape home sales climb off October low

As we sifted through the preliminary single-family home sales numbers in Cape Coral for the month of November, the good news was the number of closed home sales were up 28.6 percent over the post-Hurricane Ian depressed number of only 220 sales in October. Even though this was just a baby step ...

Despite good intentions, land owner could lose share of property

Dear Mr. Feichthaler: I am a single woman, and I own a lot in Cape Coral that I placed in my trust. I had a partner I have been seeing for over 10 years, and I considered him my spouse for all purposes. I added him to the deed as a “joint tenant with full rights of survivorship,” so that ...

Guest Commentary: Congressional lame duck quackery

There is little Republicans and Democrats in Congress agree on these days, but spending (and borrowing) money is as nonpartisan as it gets. House Democrats apparently have decided to leave their majority with a spending spree. They'll do it the way they usually do. In a script familiar to an ...