Vote for disaster
To the editor:
It should not be a surprise that Kamala Harris chose “Tampon Tim” Walz as her running mate.
Perfect, a couple of candidates who would both destroy the country should they be elected. In the next few weeks, we will hear the biggest bunch of hogwash trying to sell these two to the American people. It has become standard procedures for the Democrat party to combine lies with election cheating to try to win elections.
Rather than list all the pros and cons of the candidates since the airwaves are full of them, just consider this. We have a rare opportunity to compare two administrations that are/were in office one after the other. If you think that the country is in better condition during the Biden administration than the prior Trump administration, than by all means vote for Harris. One has to believe in the Easter Bunny and the Great Pumpkin to think that lying Kamala is going to fix anything.
Why has the Democrat party put forward such unqualified candidates? Kamala Harris’ term as vice president hasn’t shown her to have any leadership skill. Her constant flip-flopping on the issues makes it totally unclear just what she would attempt as president. Apparently, the party feels they can control her, she would be a figurehead president for the party leaders behind the curtain. This short list includes Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Since they were obviously behind pushing Biden out of running, we can be sure they expect to control an otherwise inept Kamala Harris should she actually be elected.
Neil Miller
Cape Coral