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Shame on FEMA for its denial of DeSantis’ emergency relief request

By Staff | Dec 29, 2022

To the editor:

President Biden’s Federal Emergency Management Agency denied a request from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in early December for expanded assistance in the wake of damaging hurricanes — including — Ian for emergency protective measures for a sheltering in home recovery continuation (SHRC) program.

FEMA argued in its denial letter that this is, “Due to the limited authorities of FEMA has to approve and pay for this type of work.”

Apparently this request for expanded assistance denial for housing, food, clothing etc. for our American citizens and taxpayers is because of FEMA’s limited authority. REALLY…… Truly tragic.

Remembering back just over a year ago (Aug. 21, 2021) of President Biden’s missteps and debacle of his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that was responsible for our nation’s loss of 13 of our precious American servicemen and servicewoman along with many non-Taliban Afghans. That was just the tip of the iceberg for this debacle. Leaving behind over $7 billion in military equipment that someday may be used by ISIS, al Qaeda or other terrorist groups to kill more Americans and innocent people.

President Joe, as much as you try to become a hero these days, we all know your past for five times evading the draft in the 1960s and 1970s (one more time than Donald Trump by the way) while your fellow countrymen were dying on the battlefields in Vietnam protecting the lives of so many innocent people. That alone shows your non-allegiance to this great nation and the non-commitment to the sacrifices your fellow countrymen gave.

And, now you again turn your back on your fellow Americans with FEMA’s excuse of “limited authority” while many suffered the catastrophic destruction and devastation from a natural disaster here in SWFL… Shame on you.

Yet, illegal immigration costs the American taxpayers a mind-boggling $134.9 billion annually because of the federal government’s ineffective efforts to secure the border.

Also, over $54 billion from the Biden Administration to assist Ukraine as FEMA denies assistance to those U.S. citizens who are living in shelters, with some only receiving $500 checks from FEMA so far.

Of course this is not political and has nothing to do with President Biden’s dislike for Florida’s Ron DeSantis who hopefully will make his bid for the White House in 2024.

If Gov. DeSantis, a U.S. military veteran deployed to Iraq in 2007-2008, wins the White House, then and only then can our veterans, whose sacrifices to this great nation, put away our T-shirts that say, “Only in America can a homeless war veteran sleep in a cardboard box, when a draft dodger sleeps in the White House.”

Wake Up America!

Jack Wagner

Cape Coral