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Where’s the movement on the city’s plan to buy the old golf course site for a park?

By Staff | Oct 21, 2021

To the editor:

I see that the city recently is breaking ground for Gator Circle Park and a new neighborhood park at Cultural Park in Cape Coral

I would like to know when the city will start moving on the sale and purchase of the 175-acre Cape Coral Golf course on Palm Tree Boulevard from its owners with whom the city started to negotiate in January 2018 with the idea in making it the jewel park of Cape Coral, like other major cities have and could be used by the whole community.

Parks are not only an easy destination for families to go to when they want to meet new friends, but they are also the ideal places to host community events. Parks improve the environmental resilience and health of communities. Green space in urban areas also provides substantial ecosystem services as a park’s trees store water, reducing the rate at which it flows into a city’s storm-water treatment facilities.

Seems our city mangers are waiting for people to forget that previous administrations wanting this piece of land for the enjoyment of people of the community and not the developers and business

Lou Walker

Cape Coral