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Patricca should resign

By Staff | Oct 14, 2021

To the editor:

Chris Patricca is a member of the Lee County School Board. In her capacity as such she described students in her charge from Guatemalan as “…fascinated by, ya know, plumbing.” In her apology she later swatted away concerns by assuring her colleagues she had “left a message” for someone to call her back from the Guatemalan Cultural Center. Here’s the thing; it is not up to local communities to drop all their activities and rush to the rescue of the ignorant. Haughty assumptions that someone else drop everything to exorcise the racism in such remarks, suggests a stunning lack of self awareness. Her assumption that she’ll be good to go, after she sits through some minutes of cultural activities, is emblematic of a personality problem. Ms. Patricca should resign.

I do not agree that every drunken Karenesque blooper moment should result in a firing of the offensive coffee shop barista. Employers fire too many people as it is. But on work time conduct should be a consideration. This is especially true for policy makers. A school board member makes policy decisions for the Guatemalan and other students. Good judgement IS the position itself. Ms. Patricca should resign. She authentically believes classroom attendance is marred because, “They’ve never seen running water before. They go to the bathroom…they’re fascinated by, ya know, plumbing.” This is an example of stunning insensitivity and racism that is absolutely an impediment to her performing her job duties. She cannot possibly form an intelligent policy to improve attendance if she thinks the faucet is to blame. This is not cancel culture. She cannot perform her duties. There is just not the capacity demonstrated for performing the job.

Ellen Starbird

Cape Coral