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Water levels and canal quality

By Staff | May 27, 2021

To the editor:

Cape Coral’s city calling card is, or rather was, the beautiful town with more than 400 miles of canals.

Today, the canals in the Cape are nothing more than miles of nearly dried up swamps full of water grass and vegetation for the freshwater, and other pollutants for the saltwater canals.

For the last several years the city has claimed they are bringing fresh water into the city to replenish the canals but only words.

The city has doubled in the last 20 years, with irrigation water coming from the freshwater canals. Where are the city officials and their priorities? The road medians and etc. look good, but let’s just forget the important issue of canals that the city was founded on and only the people living on the canal system take notice unless we would like to water our lawns more.

As a retired military man you always have a POAM — plan of action and milestones. Then be one to take positive action and produce results, not one to make excuses and alibis.

Lewis Craig

Cape Coral