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Time to level the playing field

By Staff | Mar 4, 2021

To the editor:

We simply MUST put an end to Money-Based Politics.

Anyone who chooses to run for elected office and who can demonstrate a prescribed level of support (TBD) should be granted by the applicable government entity a set amount of money to finance his/her election campaign. No other governmental contributions of any sort may be granted to or on behalf of the candidate.

Self/Private/Corporate contributions must be granted timely and likewise be split equally among all such candidates, whether in cash, services or media space/time, etc.

The unfair advantage of wealth must absolutely be eliminated insofar as is possible . After all, the nation belongs to the public — We The People — not to the Big Money Establishment, regardless of their opinion in the matter.

In particular, the voice of foreign money must be seriously curtailed if not entirely blocked.

Allen Wollscheidt

Cape Coral