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America today

By Staff | Jan 28, 2021

To the editor:

This country now seems to have two diffident sets of rules and a double standard.

Democrats say, when Republicans challenge elections, they are barring people from casting their vote and are discriminating. When Democrats do it, it’s to make sure every vote counts.

You have companies like Amazon support mail ballots for the Presidential elections, but when it comes to workers voting to unionize they only want vote in-person balloting because of possible fraud.

If we lie to the government it’s a felony and if a politician lies to us it’s just politics.

In today’s society you disagree with a progressive’s opinion or program you are a racist or a white supremacist and, if a progressive disagrees, it’s their First Amendment right.

The media only reports and allows comments and speech on articles and news they agree with; they dismiss everything else as not important or fake news.

You can support our Constitution and free speech as long as it supports one’s ideology and is politically correct. When Congress sees or hears about a problem they set up hearings and committees. They then pass new laws and gives billions to foreign countries and peanuts to the American people and state the problem is solved and then they go back to saying how great they are doing their job and then back to their reelection campaigns

The government takes millions of dollars from those who work hard and gives it to those who don’t want to work or will vote for them. This country has gone from the land of opportunity and hard work, to the land of free hand outs, entitlements and safe spaces

Schools can teach homosexuality and that you are gender neutral, that’s OK, but you can not use the word God or say a prayer.

You can have a woman’s right for an abortion, but it is wrong to execute a convicted murder.

You have people moving to Red States from high taxes and huge budget deficits and states that have a income tax. During elections you have these same people vote for people who openly campaigned for billions of dollars in new taxes, open borders and free entitlements and we call this progress.

Lou Walker

Cape Coral