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Council discussion on homelessness misdirected

By Staff | Dec 17, 2020

To the editor:

Concerning the Council spending time on the homeless problem. Please focus your energy on taxpayers’ needs and the tax dollars that we have entrusted you to spend wisely. Most taxpayers give generously to charities and religious organizations that work to help the poor and homeless. Charities have psychological and social workers that are best equipped to deal with this problem. My suggestion to council members that are passionate about the homeless problem is to join a charitable organization that focuses on this issue.

Councilmember Robert Welch suggested that south Cape districts should handle this problem; it’s convenient that this in not Mr. Welch’s district. As far as Councilmember Jennifer Nelson’s need to address this; when she recommends a facility that is in her neighborhood and district, then I will know she is sincere about the issue. Leave this issue for charities to solve, not our tax dollars or the council’s time.

Another point about tasks forces and finding the root cause. Homelessness is not unique to Cape Coral; the country has been studying this issue for decades and there are many books on the topic. The main root causes of homelessness are, poor family history, poor education, poor physical and mental health. Task force complete, if you can solve these problems then our homeless problem will greatly diminish.

By the way, Lee County has a Coalition on the topic. Let’s not feel guilty about a lack of a facility in Cape Coral; Lee County gets plenty of our tax dollars too.

Thomas Shadrach

Taxpayer and Cape Coral homeowner