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No kiss and make up

By Staff | Nov 12, 2020

To the editor:

P/E Biden proposes that we shall all “kiss and make Up.” This is, however, very, very bad and dangerous advice.

Our Electorate is fundamentally flawed such that it simply can not support a meaningful, True Democracy. A failure to face up to this reality and to effectively deal with it can only presage Trump-II for us in the not very distant future!!!

We simply must take strong measures to rehabilitate our Electorate while the memory of the excesses and abuses of the existing Electorate are still fresh and painful in our minds!

Step 1. The deliberate distribution of political statements which can be demonstrated to be outright lies must be prosecuted.

Step 2. The deliberate distribution of political statements which can be demonstrated to be intentionally misleading must be prosecuted.

Step 3. The Electorate must be continually and emphatically reminded that mere opinions do not make it so — This entirely regardless of the stature of the speaker may hold in their minds.

Thus, for example, the folk at FOX “News” would likely experience some jail time under these rules

Many, many more steps will come to mind.

These measures need NOT impact the Right of Free Speech. They require, after all, just adherence to verifiable, demonstrable truth — which, granted, has been in short supply.

Allen Wollscheidt

Cape Coral