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Who would Washington choose?

By Staff | Sep 24, 2020

Who would Washington pick as president? By Washington I mean the father of our country. I would like you to think about it. You’re in Philadelphia in 1787 with a group of men and you just won a war for independence and are now in a debate to set the laws that will make the foundation of a new country. These men of courage and honesty must choose who will run this country and how these laws should be applied.

Over 200 hundred years have passed since that day a constitution was adopted. Articles and amendments have been made but our constitution has remained strong, so now you have a choice to elect the man who will continue to see that our constitution is being followed as it was written or do you pick a man whose party would rewrite and tear apart those words that our forefathers and generations after them have fought to preserve.

Who would Washington pick?

Vote Donald J Trump.

Four More Years.

Hank McColgan

North Fort Myers