The greatest lie on earth
To the editor:
Global Warming is now proven to be a “Global Hoax.” Everything we thought to be true about it is untrue. Our fear and concern for the environment came from liars and deceivers. A skillful Internet investigator (hacker) broke through the defenses of the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit and released hundreds of revealing files and E-mails onto the Internet. This research center has been “Control Center” for the now disgraced Global Warming program.
I read E-mails that explain how data can be warped to communicate a false conclusion and others that propose illegal destruction of embarrassing information and some that admit of flaws in their public claims and one that actually rejoices over the death of an ant-global warming scientist. It’s sickening to realize that liberal scientists abandoned whatever moral standards they may have had while trashing the most fundamental responsibility of a scientist which is to support their findings with incontrovertible facts – in order to tell a lie. So rejoice, we don’t need expensive fluorescent light bulbs, the old ones are just fine. We don’t need windmills to generate expensive electricity because the earth isn’t getting warmer from gas or coal generating facilities. Get a life Greenies, we win – you loose.
P.S. How’s Hope and Change working out for you?
David Huck