The public is served by a free press
To the editor:
An editorial in another paper criticizes Sheriff Mike Scott for refusing to talk to a major newspaper and leaving when their reporter is in the room. They feel snubbed. In a similar fashion the four majority members of the Lee School Board and its superintendent attack the staff and reporters of a major TV station for their story revealing a problematic busing situation.
The reaction of both is the same. Rather than dealing with problems they rather attack the news media as the cause of the problem. This sets a very dangerous precedent for any news media in Lee County. Voters will never know when public officials are in compromising situations and are causing bad, corrupt situations that affect the public. Strong stands must be taken against this type of behavior. It is this very behavior that allows police states to function and goes against the grain of the principles of free speech that must be the hallmark of American government and society.
Both the News-Press and Fox 4 TV must be commended for waging the good fight. Only with a free press will the public be informed and able to keep excesses from destroying the very fabric of a free society. Both Sheriff Scott and the Lee School Board and Superintendent must be brought to account and be reminded that they are there to serve the public and the taxpayer.
John E. Traube
Cape Coral