
Marriage is about love, legalize same-sex marriage

2 min read

To the editor:

It is said that all men are created equal, then why don’t we all have the same rights? Whether gay or straight, black or white, we should not discriminate against others. By not allowing homosexuals to get married, we are not allowing everyone equal rights. Marriage is about love, so Florida, along with all the other states, should legalize gay marriage.

I am a 17-year-old girl, and I have a gay brother. This past summer I went to visit him in a gay community, located in Fort Lauderdale. If homosexuals can be recognized in society by having their own communities, then why can’t their rights be recognized in other aspects of society?

One of the biggest issues with gays not being able to get married, is if their significant other is in the ICU, their life partner would not be able to visit them, because they are not immediate family, or legally married; the significant other would have no say, nor visitation rights.

If marriage is about love, then why not let gays marry? If gays have a paper saying that they are married it will not have a negative effect on anyone. I understand that this might be against many people’s beliefs or lifestyles, but it is against the constitution to discriminate, because it is directly stated in the constitution that all men are equal. Times have changed, therefore the laws on gay marriage should change as well.

Angelina Fikes

Cape Coral